
In France Paris.

I'm so sorry I couldn't touch this blog so a long time.


In France Paris - JACQUEMUS

お久しぶりです。 しばらくの間更新できず申し訳ありませんでした。 学校の最終課題などに追われ、全然外にSNAPを撮りに行けない日々が続いておりまして。
今日はSTREET SNAPではなくボクの友達のJACQUEMUSというブランドを紹介しようかと思います。

I'm sorry I couldn't posted for 2weeks or so. Because I tried to my final assignment and so hard to me. The reason why it, I didn't go out and also take a street snap.
Then Today I introduce my friends brand "JACQUEMUS".  Designer is SIMON PORTE JACQUEMUS. I met him when I go to Paris Fashion Week.
He started his career after drop out fashion school. Before he launched his brand, he worked assistant for fashion editor. His collection is simplicity and strength to the clothes.  I think he makes wearable clothes which are simple to wear.

I put on his new collection clothes.

Dover street MarketやOpening CEREMONY,SUPER A MARKETでも彼の洋服を見ることができるので、是非ご覧ください。

彼はつい先日Andam’s First Collections Awardのファイナリストにも残りました。これからが楽しみなデザイナーです。

These days He was nominated four finalists for Andam’s First Collections Award.

Stock List: Dover street Market, Opening CEREMONY and more.

Thanks Simon.